Órfãos Da Terra (Orphans of a Nation)

Several cultures, beliefs, dreams, accents and only one nation: Brazil. Surprised by passion while they escape a nation at war, Laila and Jamil land in Brazil. She is a Syrian refugee. He is a Lebanese employee of the powerful sheik Aziz Abdallah, who forced Laila to become one of his wives.
Program Information
This is the 14th nomination for a Globo Telenovela, they won 7 times (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).
Executive Producer(s): Gustavo Fernández
Director(s): Gustavo Fernández, André Câmara
Producer(s): Fabiana Moreno
Writer(s): Thelma Guedes, Duca Rachid
Principal cast: Julia Dalavia, Renato Góes, Alice Wegmann, Herson Capri, Eliane Giardini, Paulo Betti, Kaysar Dadour